Tuesday, February 15, 2011

10 Rules & Guidelines To Follow

1) Do not harm any living creature

Since we are vegetarians, killing any living creature would be hypocritical. Animals have feelings and a right to live just like humans. There’s no reason we can't have other sources for food and have to kill animals. In this Utopia animals will not be killed or harmed EVER, anyone caught doing such will be banned from Fruitopia. 

2) You must only eat fruits, veggies, and bread-like foods 

Fruits and veggies are not the only alternative to meat, but in this Utopia we live off them, in real life they don't have all the sources of nutrients we need but since we live in a perfect word they do. You will have 3 square meals of fruits and veggies a day. Anyone caught sneaking meat in their diet will be asked to leave Fruitopia immediately.

3) Treat everyone fairly (no one is better or less than anyone else)

No one deserves to be treated unfairly, or to be made felt like they are different than anyone else. In Fruitopia there will be "0" tolerance of any acts of being unkind, treat others how you would want to be treated. No one likes getting made fun of or told their less than someone else. The consequence to treating others unfairly will be standing in the middle of Fruitopia and making a fool of yourself, to show people how silly you really are for thinking you can just treat people in such a rude manner. Then you will be asked to leave.

4) Don't steal anything from anyone

Stealing is not only illegal it's unacceptable. In a perfect world crime doesn't exist, therefore stealing should not be on anyone’s mind ever. That act is totally off the charts, no one should have to go through someone stealing from them, and it’s not right and certainly has a consequence. You will be brought to jail and learn a lesson, after your sentence you will leave Fruitopia.

5) No drugs, every under any circumstance

Drugs are bad for you, and mess up people’s lives. Nothing good comes from them, plus there illegal, that’s why in Fruitopia anyone seen under the influence or in possession will be locked up for months then shipped to a dystopia, NO DRUG ZONE, zero tolerance.
6) No alcohol for anyone under 18

Drinking is no better for you than drugs, and still has very bad effects on you. If you use it responsibly then you are allowed to have it. NO ONE under the age of 18 will be allowed to touch alcohol, there will be no harm done to anyone seen touching it under the age, but drinking under age will not be tolerated, it's not good for children to do so it messes with their development, and that shall not be the case in Fruitopia.

7) No driving under the age of 12,only hybrid cars aloud

Driving starts at 12, you will get your G1. You will not be able to get your G2 until your 14. When you are 14 this is the time you mainly want to go out and be with your friends, that’s why this is the perfect age to drive. Plus in Fruitopia all the kids are highly functioning, therefore there over developed so their brains are older then there age, which benefits with the ability to drive. The cars must be hybrids to not disturb the perfect environment me have in Fruitopia.

8) Everyone make the same amount (3 million) a year, so everyone in equally wealthy 
Everyone needs to be able to have enough to live and have a lot of money so they have no any problem getting what they want. Everyone one will receive the same amount each month that will even out to 3 million dollars a year, this makes everyone equal and no one has more than anyone else. There will be no ranking of people because every job has the same wage leaving everyone with the ability to do whatever they please, with no pay that will be too little to support themselves and their families.

9) There will be a maid in every house, so no one has any house work to do 

No one likes cleaning or doing household and yard chores. That’s why having a maid will let you have the freedom to do whatever you want in your house and not have to worry about the mess. All maids will come to the houses at the end of everyday so your house will always be ready to go for the next day. This makes time for more relaxing and doing what you want and not having to worry about cleaning. Most people don't like it so in this perfect world you never have to. 

10) No racism

Racism is a big thing that is happening more and more in our everyday lives. In Fruitopia we made a rule that you can’t be racist. Colour or where you are from has nothing to do with who you are as a person. You can’t make first impressions so quickly due to race and colour.

Animal & Logo

       Fruitopia is a world of equality. When we say equality we mean total equality which includes all living species. A human is no better then a cow, nor is a dog any better then chicken. The Island Night Lizard is an endangered specie in the original world. Here in Fruitopia, we have increased the population of these lizards by 90 percent. This was one of Fruitopia's first and greatest achievements, which started the campaign of helping all endangered species of our world. This lead to the saving of over 700 different species of all different kinds of animals including reptiles, mammals, fish, birds, and insects. This is why the Island Night Lizard is the symbolic animal of Fruitopia. The Island Night Lizard represents equality because it is such a small animal, but started such a large campaign that saved hundreds of other endangered species, because of Fruitopia's agreement of total equality

Daily Itinerary

12:00PM-1:15 - Wake up, eat brunch, get ready for work
1:15-3:30- At work, working hard making good amounts of cash
3:30-4:00- Relax, think of something to make for dinner for the family
4:00-5:00- Prepare dinner (vegetation of course), and water to drink!
5:00-6:00- Have dinner, and have your maid clean up any messes their is lying around
6:00-8:00- Go out with friends, or practice with your sports team you play on
8:00-When ever you fall asleep.. leisure time 

Utopian Name

The name of our Utopian Society is Fruitopia. When our group knew we had to choose the title of our city, lots of thoughts went through our heads. We had to think to ourselves what would go with our morals and rights best. After thinking for a good 15 minutes, Jackie came up with a title named Fruitopia. Fruitopia because the thought of fruits and different colours usually is a happy and great sign to people! We didn't want a dark and depressing name because we knew dark colours bring dark thoughts. A good example of this would be going to a funeral, when you go to a funeral you usually wear black or dark colours. Fruitopia also related to our theme because we don't eat meat, the main thing we do eat and grow is fruits.  We are all vegetarians and this clearly states why we chose our title.

Invitation to Friends

Dear Barbara,
During the last couple of weeks that we have spent together I have really noticed a change in your behaviour. A change that is really not a good thing, you think negatively of others and you treat animals and our ecosystem with very little respect. You have started to judge people constantly, and only think about yourself. This all needs to stop and I know just the solution. Come live where I live, even just for a little to teach you the real way to live and treat things! Fruitopia is a warm and loving place to live, you would love it here. This could teach you great morals to life, such as not eating our friends such as animals, and not judging other races. If you come to Fruitopia you will find we are meat eating free and only eat things that are good for us. This is a great way to keep us all in shape and fit. I noticed you complaint about your weight and that you needed to get in shape, well if you come here that’s what will happen. Your eating habits will be a lot better and you will start slimming out. We have nothing but 70-90 degree weather here, with a nice warm breeze. The weather here is phenomenal, especially because you love the hot weather like I do. I can honestly say, living here was the best move of my life! I am relaxed every morning or afternoon I wake up, because you can wake up whenever you’d like, and I couldn’t ask for more!
Everyone here is considered rich! No matter what job you do, everyone gets the same amount of minimum wage at a high rate. It is very easy to find a job here, you can do something as simple as farming and you still get paid the same amount as everyone else. The environment here is amazing, it is such a clean looking place to live in and you can never get sick! The air is so clean and fresh there is no bacteria to spread around. Where you live, you have your winter months where you can get below zero and tons of people are coughing and spreading their sickness with others. You wouldn’t have to worry about any of that if you moved here.
The very last thing I am going to say is that I miss you dearly! I think about you all day long and the fact that we live so far away and can only see each other once every two months. I want our relationship to last for a long time but not seeing each other doesn’t help in making that happen. Just consider moving here. We could have such a great life here and we would both feel good and happy all of the time! I’m asking you to consider this, but really I am just asking you to do it!
Hope I get a letter I am going to want to actually read back.
Love Lots, Pat

Government Body

In Fruitopia, we have a democracy. It is a democracy because in Fruitopia, everyone is equal; everyone gets to stand up for what they think is right. We come down to a decision to what everyone can almost agree with. We want to hear what everyone thinks. In the middle of Fruitopia you will find the Utopia town hall. This is where all the decisions are made. If you have anything to say or any ideas you are more than welcome to bring it up in the town hall.
We have a Prime Minister that is elected of who runs the council meetings. There are no political parties, just ten spots that are awarded to those who win the ten highest amount of votes at the yearly election (highest vote being awarded to the Prime Minister, and the rest are all equal participants). The elected council is only the council of that year, a new election is conducted every December 31st. You do not have to run to be a part of the government, Fruitopia citizens elect who they think would be best to run Fruitopia. When the ten members are elected, they can choose to accept or decline their spot, and the next highest number of votes will be brought on board if an original eleted council member was to decline (which is very uncommon because being on council is considered an honor). One whom decides that being elected is something they would want, that person can encourage others to vote for them, but can not make advertisements or any form of campaign. This avoids brutal competition to win a spot on council. In the event of a tie with two or more people that have been elected the same amount of votes, a referendum is conducted of which ballots do contain the tied participants names on them. This is the only time when there is a limited option to who you can vote for to run Fruitopia. If before the one year council period ends, and Fruitopia citizens decide that they are not enjoying the decisions of the current council, an official "CHIEF OF PEACE" (COP) is pre-elected for a ten year period. The Chief of Peace (COP) is the person that a citizen would come to if they do not agree on the council members that are running. If enough complaints are made, the COP is the only person who can call an early election. This avoids any long term unwanted council members to be in control of Fruitopia. 

Journal Entries

Dear Diary,
Today was a really hot day in Fruitopia, high 90’s with very little breeze. I could barley get myself up out of bed this afternoon to go to work. My job is a farmer; I plant and grow all sorts of crops. The fruit is so great along with the vegetables. I could say I am in great shape, but so is everyone else that lives here. Work was tiring but I managed and made a good amount of cash. I love waking up in the afternoon to everyone being happy and today was just one of those days! I was in such a great mood from the minute I woke up till right now. Today after work my sister and I went for a run to appreciate the hot sun we have here. It was a pretty long run, we ran 5k but it only took an hour long. After my run I showered up and got ready for dinner. My mom had said she was making pasta for dinner so I was pretty excited! The pasta sauce was obviously meatless though. Around 6 o-clock my mom called my sisters and I down for dinner. We ate and talked about how our day went. My mom said she got a lot of house work done today and was in a great mood. My dad was passed out on the couch; he must still be tired from work! That was my day today. Talk to you tomorrow!
From, Carly
Dear Diary,
Its 12:30 at night and I can’t fall asleep! There is so much on my mind it’s crazy. I just witnessed someone that lives here in Fruitopia kill a deer! That is against the rules. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know who to tell but I know this person could be in a huge amount of trouble. I have so many thoughts going through my mind right now, how could he do such a thing, not even just break the rules but actually kill the poor animal. Animals are our friends, and we don’t eat our friends! That’s what we all know and understand, that is our city’s motto. He betrayed all of us and that is why it is so hard to fall asleep! I keep rolling around in my bed not knowing what to do about the situation! I think instead of stressing out, because stressing out is something that usually doesn’t happen here, I am just going to sleep on it.
I’ll write to you tomorrow.
Goodnight, Kylee

Dear Diary,
This afternoon I have nothing planned, I am devoting my afternoon to relaxing and lying down in the sun. I am listening to my iPod as we speak and just getting my stuff ready to go outside. It is a Monday and we only go to school Tuesday-Friday so today is a weekend for me! I love the weekends, it’s a time to do nothing since we never get any school work to take home with us. My friends are all going to come over to hangout and lay by the pool with me. My mom and dad are out for the day, and then going out for dinner tonight. It is their 15th anniversary. My sisters are both older than me so live somewhere else with their boyfriends, but come down to visit often. Well looks like it is time for me to go relax! My friend Amy just pulled into the driveway. Talk to you later!
From, Maryanne

Declaration of Independance & Motto

Fruitopia is a place of positive thinkers. A place where everyone is equal and happy. Hearts are all healed and unable to be broken. Jealousy doesn’t occur because everyone is equal and no one has things to be jealous about. We don't eat living things because they are just like one of us. The weather is always sunny and bright, and the birds are always humming. If you ask me, most of these don’t sound like rules; they sound more like living in heaven! Fruitopia was created to stop all issues and problems people have with each other, and for everyone to be equal, including something as small as a spider. Judging happens to often and breaks way too many hearts in the society I live in. Something as simple as looking at someone can mean you’re giving them a “dirty look” which is also known as judging someone or first impressions. In this perfect world we are very healthy eaters. We eat lots of fruit and vegetables and everyone is active and fit! There is no such thing as fat people, or fat good. Not eating animals is a big thing in Fruitopia. Water is the only thing we drink, and we all love it!
In Fruitopia, negative and miserable people are a major turn off to people because in every other society you see so many unhappy people and it’s becoming worse every day, so we put a stop to it. There is more bad things in the society I live in then good. Suicides, murders, depression, addictions, etc. In Fruitopia there is NONE of this. Everyone gets along and loves each other.
Fruitopia is a land of fruits and vegetables where animals can’t be harmed. It rains every Thursday so the fruit and everything else being grown naturally can stay ripe and fresh. Other than the one day of rain we get, it is sunny and hot 24/7. The land is clean and litter free, making it an enjoyable place to have a great time and relax.
I feel the need to form a better and happier society because the one I currently live in is cruel. A major thing is our society Fruitopia is us not killing animals. I know I have already mentioned this, but it really is important for people coming here to know. Animals are just like one of us and eating them is wrong. How would you like to be killed, cut up, and then eaten? You probably wouldn’t, so simply follow this rule and you will be accepted in our city.  “Animals are my friends, and I don’t eat my friends.”