Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Animal & Logo

       Fruitopia is a world of equality. When we say equality we mean total equality which includes all living species. A human is no better then a cow, nor is a dog any better then chicken. The Island Night Lizard is an endangered specie in the original world. Here in Fruitopia, we have increased the population of these lizards by 90 percent. This was one of Fruitopia's first and greatest achievements, which started the campaign of helping all endangered species of our world. This lead to the saving of over 700 different species of all different kinds of animals including reptiles, mammals, fish, birds, and insects. This is why the Island Night Lizard is the symbolic animal of Fruitopia. The Island Night Lizard represents equality because it is such a small animal, but started such a large campaign that saved hundreds of other endangered species, because of Fruitopia's agreement of total equality

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