In Fruitopia, we have a democracy. It is a democracy because in Fruitopia, everyone is equal; everyone gets to stand up for what they think is right. We come down to a decision to what everyone can almost agree with. We want to hear what everyone thinks. In the middle of Fruitopia you will find the Utopia town hall. This is where all the decisions are made. If you have anything to say or any ideas you are more than welcome to bring it up in the town hall.
We have a Prime Minister that is elected of who runs the council meetings. There are no political parties, just ten spots that are awarded to those who win the ten highest amount of votes at the yearly election (highest vote being awarded to the Prime Minister, and the rest are all equal participants). The elected council is only the council of that year, a new election is conducted every December 31st. You do not have to run to be a part of the government, Fruitopia citizens elect who they think would be best to run Fruitopia. When the ten members are elected, they can choose to accept or decline their spot, and the next highest number of votes will be brought on board if an original eleted council member was to decline (which is very uncommon because being on council is considered an honor). One whom decides that being elected is something they would want, that person can encourage others to vote for them, but can not make advertisements or any form of campaign. This avoids brutal competition to win a spot on council. In the event of a tie with two or more people that have been elected the same amount of votes, a referendum is conducted of which ballots do contain the tied participants names on them. This is the only time when there is a limited option to who you can vote for to run Fruitopia. If before the one year council period ends, and Fruitopia citizens decide that they are not enjoying the decisions of the current council, an official "CHIEF OF PEACE" (COP) is pre-elected for a ten year period. The Chief of Peace (COP) is the person that a citizen would come to if they do not agree on the council members that are running. If enough complaints are made, the COP is the only person who can call an early election. This avoids any long term unwanted council members to be in control of Fruitopia.
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